
Petter's Sports Field, Egham

Excavation by M.G. O'Connell for SyAS and DOE located an Early/Middle BA ditch, a LBA ditch containing a 78 piece bronze hoard (including a variety of weapons, tools, vessels, and ornamental attachments, and much pottery in the levels above), two parallel RB ditches (one a palisade trench?) probably of the later first century and part of a RB roadside ditch containing a coin of Constantine, part of a medieval ditch containing 12th century pottery and bone, and several later features. (138) Excavation was also continued on one part of the site by D.M.


Excavation by Rosamond Hanworth for SyAS and DOE located the course of Stane Street as a terrace cut into the chalk, possibly by the use of a plough (check SyAC 94).


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