
A3 Hog's Back to B3000

Report by K D Graham of fieldwork on the A3 improvement scheme. Little material was recovered, even near the known RB villa at Compton. A handful of RB tile was found at the southern end of this part of the road scheme, and a few struck flint flakes and sherds of medieval pottery were also recovered generally along the route. (229)

Former Sewage Works, Cobham

Trial excavation and survey by R J Poulton for SCC and J Sainsbury revealed only scattered artefacts including probable Mesolithic flints and prehistoric, RB and medieval pottery. It appeared that medieval ploughing had destroyed all ancient levels which may have existed. (235)

South Farm, Lightwater

Sixth season of excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT. Two distinct areas were examined. In the first a rectangular well was found and dated to before AD 200; it was severely disturbed by a ditch whose fill was dated cAD 200-250 and by the construction of a cesspit of cAD 1780. The second area produced worked flint dated Mesolithic/Neolithic and a barbed and tanged arrowhead. Late Iron Age pottery was found and part of a late 1st or early 2nd century AD Romanised building indicated by beam slots and said to have sand or gravel floors.

Thorpe Lea Nurseries

Observation and excavation by G N Hayman for SCAU and RMC (Hall Aggregates) indicated prehistoric occupation on the edge of the first area of topsoil stripping. Subsequent excavation produced evidence of BA occupation and then an Iron Age/RB site apparently occupied throughout both periods, with mid to late Iron Age domestic features, RB ditches, pits and possible farm buildings of Flavian to 4th century date.

Bocketts Farm and Thorncroft area, Leatherhead

Report on detailed fieldwalking of 96ha (237 acres) by S P Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A thin scatter of worked flint was found throughout the area; mostly Neolithic with some Mesolithic and some BA. Sherds of Neolithic and BA pottery were also found. Aerial photographic evidence shows that the higher ground around Bocketts Farm is covered by a Celtic field system, perhaps to be associated with the known occupation site at Hawks Hill, but no Iron Age pottery has yet been found.

Cabell Road, Guildford

Small-scale excavation by Audrey Monk for Guildford Group of SyAS to test the site which was producing small abraded sherds of RB pottery and tile. A few more abraded RB sherds were found but it is thought doubtful that the excavation evidence supported the hypothesis of a Roman road. (257)

Ewell By-Pass

Trial excavations and observation by S P Dyer for SCAU and SCC (County Engineer's Department) in advance of road construction located only a few unstratified RB sherds.


Following evaluation two sites were excavated by G N Hayman for SCAU and Trafalgar Brookmount in advance of gravel extraction. A small Iron Age settlement site, represented mostly by large storage pits, was found on the site of the former Hollick Farm. The settlement represented by the farm itself was found to have begun in the early medieval period and continued through to the 19th century. About 750m further south a larger Iron Age site was found with a complex of features from the mid to late Iron Age; they included a large circular ditched enclosure (with a diameter of about 26m).

Runfold Farm, Badshot Lea

Fieldwalking as a first stage of evaluation in advance of mineral extraction by S P Dyer for SCAU and Pioneer Aggregates UK Ltd. A number of clay pits were found across the area, presumably indicating clay was being dug for pottery manufacture. A quantity of Roman period pottery was found and it is known that this region had a widespread pottery industry from the 1st century AD onwards. However, a number of 16th and 17th century pot sherds, some apparently manufacturing wasters, were also found.


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