
Blindley Heath

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU during groundworks involved in the installation of a water pipeline across and to the east and west of the A22. The probable route of the London–Brighton Roman road is postulated to lie below the present route of the A22. No remains of this were exposed in the trench excavated across the A22, but evidence of a succession of 18th–19th century phases of sub-surface road construction was revealed.

Land at St Michael’s Road, Ashford

The first phase of evaluation of this site by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features dating to the post-medieval, Saxon and possibly prehistoric periods. The features largely comprised ditches or elongated pits. A second phase of evaluation to the south revealed deposits of post-medieval, medieval and prehistoric date comprising ditches, another elongated pit, and a number of smaller circular pits.

St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Feltham Hill Road, Ashford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features and deposits dating to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval periods. A ditch containing later Bronze Age flintwork was the earliest feature. The ditch contained a residual Mesolithic core, and a flint flake of Neolithic or Early Bronze Age date. Two joining pot sherds from a Late Saxon bowl were also recovered from a layer of post-medieval soil above the feature.

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU close to the site of the Scheduled Caesar’s Camp revealed evidence of prehistoric activity, with a slight concentration of Neolithic to Early Bronze Age flintwork to the east and Late Bronze Age structural evidence to the west. Two undated ditch sections from two trenches appeared to be aligned and may be the earthwork identified by William Stukeley in the 18th century.

Manor Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by J Pine and A Weale of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction involved the excavation of 149 trenches. A high density of certain and probable archaeological deposits was revealed, with 60% of the trenches proving positive, although little cultural or environmental dating evidence was recovered from them. Where such evidence was present, the deposits reflected Early Neolithic and probable Middle to Late Bronze Age occupation, with prehistoric activity of other periods represented by a few pieces of possible Mesolithic flintwork, Late Neolithic and Late Iron Age pottery.

Cobham Road, Fetcham

Watching brief undertaken by T Munnery of SCAU, and involving C Green of QUEST, during the installation of a pipeline, revealed an area of Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic and Late Mesolithic flintworking and the foundations of a Roman building. A subsequent excavation discovered that the Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic material was found to be an in-situ scatter of lithics with an eastern and western boundary and two areas with a low lithic density that could infer the positions of two knappers.

TASIS England, Thorpe

Two phase evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU, prior to the construction of a new building at the Upper School and extension to the existing Coach House. A single pit of probable 13th century date was discovered at the Coach House site. Two late medieval or early post-medieval pits were revealed at the Upper School site, with indications of earlier activity in the immediate vicinity being noted within the finds assemblage. The Coach House development was calculated not to damage archaeological horizons, so no further work was recommended.

Outwood Lane, Chipstead

Watching brief by P Harp of Plateau during the installation of a new water main recovered a small number of Mesolithic or Neolithic flints. Part of the route passed close to Dene Farm (now the Rambler’s Rest public house), where a significant quantity of 13th century pottery was revealed during reinstatement works. Place-name evidence records habitation at Dene Farm as far back as 1301

Stepstile Meadows, Reigate

Excavation by D Whittaker and A Margetts of ASE, continuing from previous evaluation and excavations in 2007. Limited archaeological material was revealed, with the majority of the predominantly Iron Age and Roman finds being recovered from a layer of colluvium. Some fairly unabraded Neolithic material was also recovered from this layer, suggesting possible rapid deposition, although the presence of early medieval material also suggests some later disturbance, possibly through ploughing.


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