Petter's Sports Field, Egham
Sutton Park, Woking
Second season of excavation by D G Bird for SCC, SyAS and DOE located part of the foundations of a 16th century brick building, perhaps an outbuilding (? gazebo) of Sutton Place. Further parts of the medieval ditch system were located. In the third season an entrance through the ditches, which perhaps defined a sub-circular enclosure surrounding the medieval manor house, was examined. (Bulletin 162 and Bulletin 172)
Unusual stone from a late 12th/early 13th century context in excavation 1975/76 now identified by petrological analysis as burrstone from the Marne Valley, used for millstones, and implying a mill on this site 300 years before the first documentary evidence. Reported by R Ellaby. (Bulletin 156)
Wotton, St John's Church
Excavation (Sept 1975) by D.J. Fowler for SyAS and DOE revealed a suggested five phase sequence for the west end of the church, including a twice built and demolished nave west of the tower. There was little dating evidence. (127)