Excavation by K D Graham and Anna Mercer for the Farnham Museum Society and Waverley District Council of a probably 17th century tile kiln producing a variety of tiles. (actually medieval)
Pottery from the medieval earthwork has now been deposited at the East Surrey Museum. Lesley Ketteringham reports that study of some of the pottery by Southampton University shows it to be earlier than the known building within the enclosure (c 1150-1350); a 6th/7th century date is suggested. (182)
Two trial excavations by G H Cole in advance of redevelopment produced Mesolithic cores and flakes, medieval and post-medieval pottery but no structures. A stratified sequence of c 50 clay pipe bowls from the early 17th to the mid-19th centuries was recovered. (182)
Ditch c 1m wide by 0.6m deep recorded by G H Cole in building foundation work. The upper
fill contained post-medieval pottery, the lower medieval and Surrey white ware sherds. (182)
Report by D W Williams of the recovery of part of the mullion and transom of a Tudor window from the foundations of a probably 18th century boundary wall. It presumably came from the Priory. Also recovered were a few medieval sherds, a plain floor tile and the base of an undated Purbeck marble mortar. (180)
Small scale excavation by M G O’Connell and R J Poulton for SCC to examine junction of south aisle of c 1280 and Norman nave, in advance of underpinning. Different wall foundations and construction recorded as far as possible. (181)