

Monkton Lane, Farnham

Evaluation by N Garland of ASE. A number of features ranging from the Middle Iron Age to post-medieval were revealed. The majority were either ditches suggestive of agricultural boundaries and/or drainage features and a few pits, although a palaeochannel was identified during a geoarchaeological investigation, and a single cremation burial was also revealed. Subsequent excavation by G Priestly-Bell of ASE revealed three phases of occupation representing probable small-scale settlement activity dating from the Early Iron Age to the Romano-British period.

Farnham Castle, Farnham

Photographic recording of the interior of the buried walls and foundations of the central tower, and the well shaft within the shell keep, by A Norris and D Graham of SyAS. The structure of the tower no longer survives above ground, with the motte having apparently been raised around the lower storeys of the tower, preserving them for examination. The tower was re-used as a well shaft in the later periods, which has been covered with an unprepossessing concrete slab for some years.

Albury Farm, Merstham

Magnetometry survey of the Scheduled medieval moated site by D Calow of SyAS as part of the Merstham Community Archaeology Project. Although features were difficult to discern because of interference from recently deposited metallic objects, a possible linear anomaly could represent one side of the former moat.

Home Farm, Merstham

Historic building recording by S Underdown of OAS. The oldest part of the property contained evidence for the remains of two bays of a medieval open hall house of probable late 14th to early 15th century date. A two-bay extension was dendrochronologically dated to 1580–97, with further extensions noted, dating to around 1700 and then continuing through the 18th–20th centuries. The property had been unoccupied for some time, and considerable damage to the historic fabric of the structure was noted, through a combination of vandalism, arson and neglect.

The Park, Great Bookham

A test pit dug by L Smith of SyAS in the rear garden of the property revealed a packed flint floor, possibly a courtyard from the former Bookham Court. Various finds were recovered immediately above and between the flints. These included pottery sherds, butchered animal bones, teeth, iron nails, glass and a large quantity of broken clay tiles and building material. The pottery dated from the 13th to the 16th centuries. (Bulletin 426)

Guildford Castle, Guildford

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU. The reconstruction of a front boundary wall afforded the opportunity to examine the area west of the former Great Hall for evidence of a porch. A substantial foundation characteristic of 12th–13th century construction was revealed, but it could not be determined whether it related to a porch or another form of structure.

Land to the north of Shepperton Studios (Thames Water Land), Land to the north of Shepperton Studios (Thames Water Land), Shepperton

Limited evaluation by R Humphrey of PCA in order to inform decisions about use and management of the site revealed linear features likely to be the remnants of post-medieval ploughing, and recovered residual burnt and worked prehistoric flints and medieval and post-medieval ceramic building material and pottery.


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