

Land at the Pavilion Sports Centre, Hurst Lane, East Molesey

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU revealed a number of features which, with the exception of a pit or posthole that could be of Neolithic date, were dateable to the Bronze Age. The features comprised ditches, pits and postholes and were concentrated within the southern corner of the site, and indicates settlement or a focus of activity within this area. Residual finds of Mesolithic to medieval date were also recovered, but none were associated with a contemporary feature or in a concentration.

Sutton Park, Woking

Excavation (1978) by Dr D.G. Bird for SyAS and DOE of a supposed pre-Conquest manor site revealed a possible medieval ditch system and part of a later brick building. Finds of all periods from 13th to 19th century were made. (154; report in SyAC 96)

Lagham Manor

Excavation (1975-6) by Lesley Ketteringham for the Bourne Society recovered the plan of a large barn probably demolished c1262. A dump of several hundred decorated floor tiles of 16 different designs of 'Westminster' type, probably originally coming from the ancient manor house (demolished early 17th century), was found in the remains of a small outbuilding. (137)


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