20th century


Kiln Lane, Ewell

Observation of the excavation of a series of test pits by R Poulton of SCAU in advance of proposals to create a road crossing over the Epsom to Waterloo railway revealed evidence of extensive modern development.

Charles Hill Cottages, Charleshill

Investigation by J and P Wardle and M Rubra of SyAS. A series of chalk and flint footings discovered by the owner, which appeared to be the remains of a fairly recent structure probably removed in the early 1960s, were examined. The property lies on the route of the GCHQ Stop Line, although there was no conclusive evidence for a military connection to the structure. (394)

Godalming College, Godalming

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU prior to residential development on the former playing fields. Only one feature (a probable wall foundation) of potential interest was revealed, although this was probably modern. The majority of the site had been disturbed previously by the creation of level surfaces for the playing fields.

Frensham to Aldershot pipeline

Archaeological monitoring programme conducted by A Brossler of OA of c 11km of pipeline trenching. Only a single pit of likely Bronze Age date was noted to be of interest, with a number of additional features found to be of modern date.Archaeological monitoring programme conducted by A Brossler of OA of c 11km of pipeline trenching. Only a single pit of likely Bronze Age date was noted to be of interest, with a number of additional features found to be of modern date.

Atlantic Wall, Hankley Common, Tilford

Photographic recording by T Howe of SCC during remedial works. Parts of the reinforcing iron superstructure of the wall had become dangerous through erosion to the concrete fabric and ongoing military use of the site. These were removed for health and safety reasons, with a basic record compiled to add to the SMR. Military use of the site has since ceased in order to protect the historic fabric and wider ecological balance of the feature and its surrounding landscape.


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