20th century


Wallfield, Reigate

Evaluation and building recording by A Birchenough of MoLAS revealed no below-ground finds or features of archaeological interest. However, the photographic recording works to two air-raid shelters provided a useful archive of unusual prefabricated structures prior to their demolition.

Eastgate House, 225 High Street, Guildford

Evaluation by J Pine of TVAS revealed evidence for 13th–15th century layers, with the possibility of a cut feature of medieval date also being discovered, although this could not be confirmed. Evidence of 17th–18th century pitting activity was also revealed, followed by 19th–20th century disturbance in a relatively deep sequence that suggested continuous activity on the site for some considerable time.

Speer Road, Thames Ditton

Watching brief maintained by G Potter of CA during the excavation of a pipe trench, and associated works, along the line of Speer Road. Two residual struck flints were recovered, but otherwise the only evidence of past activity was represented by occasional 19th and 20th century finds in reworked soils and other disturbed ground.

Great and Little Earls Woods, Oxted

Archaeological assessment by N Bannister for the Woodlands Trust revealed that wood banks are the predominant archaeological feature. These are likely to be at least medieval and probably date from when the woods were enclosed to prevent stock grazing. The woods were once much larger, and reduced earthworks on the western side suggests that subsequent fields or assarts were created by clearing areas of the woodland. Ditches of 19th century date, dug to aid drainage in the woods, and evidence of Second World War military activity in the form of slit trenches, were also discovered.


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