20th century


Cherry Cottage, Dowlands Lane, Copthorne

Archaeological interpretative survey by D Martin of ASE of the cottage prior to alteration identified that all that remained of the probable original structure was the chimney stack. If re-used timbers within the first floor ceilings are an indicator, then the original date of the structure is unlikely to have been earlier than c 1700. During the second half of the 18th century, the earlier cottage was demolished apart from its chimney, and replaced by the current structure.

MoD site, Chobham Lane, Chertsey

Gazetteer of the buildings on the former tank testing, research and development establishment, and building recording of four of these – the parabolic blister hangar, the office block with two passive air-defence shelters, the laboratory with facilities for the televisual testing of turrets in action, and the climatic altitude chamber of the Climatic Laboratory – by R Burton, F Martin and A Richmond of Phoenix Consulting.

Chobham Park Farm, Chobham

Historic building assessment by J Gill of OA and watching brief by J Hiller of OA during the excavations for the foundations of new stables. Material from buildings known to have existed on the site in the 19th and 20th centuries was revealed, although no finds or features of archaeological interest were noted.

Rowly Drive, Rowly (centred)

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during the excavations for a water pipeline. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed. A metal detector survey carried out simultaneously along the pipeline route recovered fragments of metalwork associated with the site of a German Junkers 88 aircraft, which was shot down and crashed nearby in April 1941. The actual site of the crash was, however, some distance from the pipeline route.


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