Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by R Entwistle and P Jones of SCAU prior to the creation of a golf course. The area of holes 10--18 was examined. The larger part of the evaluation area of hole 10 was negative, although a small number of features apparently of Iron Age to Early Roman date were revealed. Holes 11--18 were examined in 2007, but unreported at the time. A small number of prehistoric features were revealed. Additional trial trenching by N Shaikhley was carried out in the vicinity of the suspected flint mines revealed during the evaluation of 2007.

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Evaluation by R Entwistle and P Jones of SCAU prior to the creation of a golf course. The area of holes 10–18 was examined. The larger part of the evaluation area of hole 10 was negative, although a small number of features apparently of Iron Age to Early Roman date were revealed. Holes 11–18 were examined in 2007, but unreported at the time. A small number of prehistoric features were revealed. Additional trial trenching by N Shaikhley was carried out in the vicinity of the suspected flint mines revealed during the evaluation of 2007.

Land at Epsom Road, Merrow

Soil-stripping, mapping and sampling by J Robertson and N Randall of SCAU, during the creation of a park and ride facility, following evaluation in 2007. A comparatively large number of Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age features were revealed, including pits, ditches and stakeholes. Evidence of activity from the Neolithic to Early Iron Age was evident in the finds assemblage.

24 Guildown Avenue, Guildford

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by T Munnery of SCAU prior to residential development did not reveal any finds or features of archaeological interest, despite the proximity of the site to the known Saxon cemetery. A subsequent watching brief was carried out during ground reduction works for the creation of a driveway. A boundary ditch – probably a precursor to the existing bank at the northern boundary of the site – was revealed, although no date could be assigned to the feature. A single undatable worked flint was also recovered.

61–71 Faraday Road, West Molesey

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU revealed evidence of past disturbance associated with the former buildings that occupied the site from the late 19th to mid-20th centuries and the construction of the present houses on the site. No features of archaeological interest were revealed, but three medieval pottery sherds were recovered from the backfill of a modern drain.


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