Excavation by M G O'Connell and R J Poulton for SCC and DOE located only unstratified pottery and no features from an area producing RB pottery found by Ann Watson in fieldwalking near the scheduled bath-house site. A later trench by R J Poulton following geophysical survey also failed to locate any surviving features. (158 and 166)
Small-scale excavation by M G O’Connell and R J Poulton for SCC to test the section of buried ditch most likely to be disturbed by roadworks. The ditch was located but no dating evidence to aid interpretation of the enigmatic earthwork was recovered.
Topsoil stripping observed by M G O’Connell and R J Poulton for SCC, DoE and British
Airports Authority revealed various features; a (probable) LBA pit was recorded in detail. At TQ 053 746 fresh cursus sections were recorded in pipeline and road construction.
Recording by M G O'Connell and R J Poulton for SCC of features revealed in gravel pit section and originally noted by D Barker. Fragments of wooden piles recovered but unfortunately no dating evidence.
Excavation by P M Jones revealed evidence of late RB settlement on the opposite bank of the Thames to Staines, alongside the presumed RB bridging point.
Small scale excavation by M G O’Connell and R J Poulton for SCC to examine junction of south aisle of c 1280 and Norman nave, in advance of underpinning. Different wall foundations and construction recorded as far as possible. (181)