Surrey County Archaeological Unit

The Vine Inn, Chertsey

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU. A large ditch containing a significant quantity of Bronze Age pottery and struck and burnt flint was revealed in one area of the site. Accompanying this was a large feature possibly representing a waterhole, four additional linear features, a curvilinear ditch and four postholes. All contained Bronze Age material. The features appear to have been protected by an alluvial deposit that was absent elsewhere on the site due to heavy post-medieval truncation.

Guildford Castle, Guildford

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU. The reconstruction of a front boundary wall afforded the opportunity to examine the area west of the former Great Hall for evidence of a porch. A substantial foundation characteristic of 12th–13th century construction was revealed, but it could not be determined whether it related to a porch or another form of structure.

Land at St Mary's Church, Church Lane, Headley

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU on the site of a proposed extension to the existing graveyard revealed two postholes, one of prehistoric origin, and three pits, two of Neolithic or earlier date. The dateable posthole contained two sherds of pottery, one of Bronze Age or earlier date, and the other of Iron Age date. Three small fragments of burnt clay, two of which bear the imprint of walling wattles, were also recovered and may suggest the presence of a former structure.


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