Surrey County Archaeological Unit

Land off Arran Way, Esher

Evaluation by T Munnery of SCAU. The earliest material was Late Upper Palaeolithic/Mesolithic and Mesolithic/Neolithic flintwork from later features and overburden although residual, may originate from an occupation site or sites nearby. The most concentrated phase of activity was of Bronze Age, especially Late Bronze Age, date. Pits and ditches and a buried subsoil indicate the utilisation of the site for settlement.

Esher Place, Esher

Watching brief by W Weller of SCAU revealed a small quantity of post-medieval building materials as well as one sherd of glazed earthenware pottery. All finds were unstratified. No features of archaeological interest were revealed.

21 Grotto Road, Weybridge

Excavation by M Saywood of SCAU within the bounds of the former Oatlands Palace. The tops of two walls were revealed; the first belonged to the counterscarp wall of the moat of the late 15th century manor, and the second a pier of the north bridge wing added by Henry VIII in 1537–8. A pit containing demolition rubble, undoubtedly originating from the destroyed Palace, was also revealed.

Woking Palace, Woking

Second season of a community excavation by SyAS and SCAU, under the direction of R Poulton, of the Scheduled moated site. Two of the principal foci of the excavations were in areas where the 2009 excavations had revealed kitchen refuse dumping and 16th century brick walls. Within the former of these areas, substantial amounts of animal bone and pottery dated to the late 13th or early 14th century were sealed and preserved beneath the floors of a new range of stone buildings, erected around 1300, which seem likely to have been part of the privy lodgings.

Prestwick Manor Farm, Chiddingfold

Fieldwork by T Munnery of SCAU and volunteers from the Wealden Glass Project to locate and record medieval glass furnace sites. No evidence for glass production was found during fieldwalking, and magnetometry survey illustrated only possible agricultural features and some positive anomalies in a fairly random order, but nothing to indicate the location of a furnace or glass production activity.


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