Archaeology South-East
The Barn, Picketts Farm, Picketts Lane, nr Redhill
Moore Place, Portsmouth Road, Esher
Motorway Service Area, Cobham
An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Tom Collie, at the proposed Motorway Service Area, Cobham, Surrey. The work was undertaken between 8th and 21st May 2007 on behalf of Gifford. Thirty two 50m by 2.5m trenches were excavated. The evaluation revealed limited archaeological evidence. Of the thirty two trenches excavated, the following twenty were archaeologically negative: trenches 3, 5 - 7, 12 -19, 22 - 23, 25 - 29 and 32. Trench 1 only contained a modern pit associated with refuse dumping.
Land west of Sweeter’s Copse, Alfold
Fieldwalking by S Stevens of ASE recovered prehistoric, Romano-British, medieval and post-medieval material in varying quantities, mostly from the southern part of the examined area. There was some correlation between the distribution of the Romano-British and medieval finds and the location of potential buried archaeological features identified during a concurrent geophysical survey.
Newchapel Road, Lingfield
Evaluation by C Russel of ASE revealed a series of medieval field boundary ditches and post-medieval boundary ditches, the latter relating to boundaries on the 1846 tithe map.
Anstiebury Camp, Coldharbour
Archaeology South-East (ASE) was commissioned by Sutton and East Surrey Water to undertake a programme of archaeological monitoring by Kathryn Grant, during the widening of an existing gateway to a covered reservoir at Anstiebury Camp, Coldharbour, Surrey (NGR centred 515336 144042). The watching brief monitoring was carried out in one site visit on 24th February 2012. Natural sandy geology was encountered 300mm below ground level and was overlain by subsoil and topsoil. No archaeological finds were recovered during the watching brief.