Archaeology South-East

Red Cross Building (former), Reigate Castle, Reigate

Evaluation by K Krawiec for ASE confirmed the presence of the former castle moat, although the edge of the moat was not observed. A borehole survey confirmed that 19th century backfill made up a large proportion of the material infilling the moat, although the primary fills included an in-situ organic deposit. The lower deposits did not yield reliable material for dating, but a layer of leaf litter returned a date of 1670 cal AD to post-1950 cal AD (280-10 cal BP).

Buckland to Outwood water main

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by G Dawkes of ASE along the c17km route, from Buckland Pumping Station in the west to the Outwood Reservoir in the east. Two sites of particular archaeological significance were identified: a prehistoric and Roman site in the vicinity of Buckland village, immediately south of the A25, and a medieval site located to the north of Buckland, adjacent to Glebe House on Rectory Lane.

Land at Cherkley Court, near Leatherhead

Evaluation and excavation by I Hogg of ASE following evaluation and a geophysical survey undertaken by WA in 2011 and 2012. Intense activity in the Late Bronze Age was recorded in two isolated pockets of the site. The corner of a rectilinear enclosure was recorded close to an area of pitting, probably the remains of quarrying and grain storage, although the main focus of the Bronze Age activity was in the east of the site where 147 postholes provided evidence for seven or eight post-built structures.


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