Watching brief by I Hogg of ASE during groundworks revealed previous modern terracing and truncation but no finds or features of archaeological interest.
Evaluation by L May of ASE recorded no evidence of the Roman road Stane Street, the projected route of which passed through the eastern half of the site. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.
Watching brief by G Priestley-Bell of ASE revealed no finds or features of archaeological interest in an exercise that largely did not impact on the archaeological horizons identified during previous works.
Evaluation by K Grant of ASE revealed evidence of previous truncation across the site, but no finds or features of archaeological interest related to either medieval backland or other activity.
Evaluation by D Hopkinson of ASE revealed a wall foundation and two postholes of post-medieval date thought to relate to the property currently on the site.
Watching brief by K Grant of ASE during upgrading works on or close to the postulated site of a Bronze Age cremation cemetery discovered towards the end of the 19th century revealed evidence of modern truncation and levelling, but no finds or features of archaeological interest.
Watching brief by N Garland of ASE. No finds or features of archaeological significance, nor any evidence for burials, were revealed in an investigation of limited scope.