Motorway Service Area, Cobham

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Tom Collie, at the proposed Motorway Service Area, Cobham, Surrey. The work was undertaken between 8th and 21st May 2007 on behalf of Gifford. Thirty two 50m by 2.5m trenches were excavated. The evaluation revealed limited archaeological evidence. Of the thirty two trenches excavated, the following twenty were archaeologically negative: trenches 3, 5 - 7, 12 -19, 22 - 23, 25 - 29 and 32. Trench 1 only contained a modern pit associated with refuse dumping. Trench 2 contained an ephemeral archaeological feature, or deposit, containing prehistoric pottery and Trench 4 contained two gullies, one of which produced struck flint. Features were also identified in Trench 8 – 11, although the majority are undated with no datable finds recovered from them. Trench 21 and 24 both contained evidence for post-medieval or modern boundary ditches. Trenches 30 and 31 both uncovered gully terminals of shallow depth and indeterminate date. Trenches 15, 16, 19 and 20 all contained evidence of machine disturbance from the construction of an artificial hill situated at the far southeast side of the site and associated with the construction of the M25 motorway.

Site code text: 
NGR range: 
1110, 5750