Day School

Ceramic Building Material


A CBA SE dayschool led by Ian Betts (MOLA), this course will cover the main types of building material used in south-east England during the Roman, medieval and post-medieval period. The day will consist of presentations, followed by ‘question and answer’ and ‘show and tell’ sections.

£20 CBA SE members; £25 for non-members. Booking details on:

**Please note this day has been re-scheduled from its original April date**


Coin dayschool 2: Saxon, medieval and post-medieval coins, tokens and jetons in England


A CBA SE dayschool led by Dr David Rudling of the Sussex School of Archaeology. this follow on/Part 2 day school will continue examination of the development of coinage in Britain from Saxon to post-medieval times. Participants will also examine the issuing of private tokens made of pewter, lead, copper and silver, and briefly review the use of casting counters or jetons. By the end of the session participants should be familiar with the main sequences of coin, token and jeton types for the post-Roman periods in England.

Coin dayschool 1: 'The Origins of Coinage' and 'Celtic and Roman Coins in Britain


A CBA SE dayschool led by Dr David Rudling of the Sussex School of Archaeologythis day school will start by examining the development of coins and primitive currencies in different parts of the world, especially in Asia Minor, Greece and Republican Rome. Thereafter participants will look in more detail at the coins and other types of currencies used in Britain during the Late Iron Age and Roman periods. By the end of the session they should be familiar with the main sequences of coin types for these periods.


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