Prehistoric Group

One thousand years of solitude?


The Prehistoric Group has arranged a free Zoom talk by Paul Garwood of Birmingham University (Senior Lecturer in Prehistory) discussing the role of Neolithic pottery in south-east England. Online booking has been arranged to enable the Zoom link to be sent closer to the event.

The full title is: One thousand years of solitude? Social lives and transformation in the Middle and Late Neolithic of south-east England, 3500-2500 BC

Prehistoric Group Zoom talk by Dr Matt Pope: Neanderthal People of La Mancheland: Exploring the Earliest Prehistory of the English Channel Region


A Zoom talk by Dr Matt Pope for the Prehistoric Group discussing the possibilities of cross channel similarities during early prehistory. Register your interest via

Interim findings from the 'Monumentality and Landscape: Linear Earthworks in Britain' project


A free online talk by Dr Barney Harris of University College, London about this Leverhulme funded project. The research is comparing the two periods where tangible large scale territoriality emerged in the British landscape: the Iron Age and the early middle ages.

Booking for this is available from

An analytic survey of Dry Hill Camp 2011-2013

Dry Hill Camp is a large enclosure of probable Iron Age date looking across the Eden/Medway Valley to the northern part of the Low Weald and North Downs. It is multi-vallate and lies just within Surrey, close to both Kent and Mid-Sussex. An excavation in 1932 recovered few finds and the site remained enigmatic. From 2011-2013 a level 3 tape and compass survey to check the condition of the earthworks was undertaken and a report is now available in the pdf attached below.


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