
Winchester and the Norman Conquest


At this conference leading experts on 11th century England will consider how  the principal city of Alfred the Great and its people were affected by conquest. The headline speaker will be broadcaster and historian Dr Marc Morris.

The conference takes place at Winchester's Guildhall and is part of a wider project which aims to celebrate and promote the ancient city as a centre of key significance to England.

People, Places and Events: Local History from Journals and Magazines BOOK ONLINE


Saturday 30 November 2019
11.00 – 3.15
at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND

11.00-11.30 Registration and coffee

11.30 - 12.10  Keith Moore, Head of Library and Information Services, The Royal Society

The Royal Society of Surrey

12.10 - 12.50   Amy Williams, Collection Development Librarian, Royal Horticultural Society

“A pleasant link with the past”: what gardening periodicals can tell us about local history

SHERF 2019 : Archaeological Sciences : BOOK ONLINE NOW


To book online please select the 'BOOK' tab above

The annual Surrey Historic Environment Research Framework conference will be based on scientific analyses this year. The confirmed agenda is shown below. A booking form was included with the August Bulletin and can also be downloaded below, but we would encourage online booking using the Book tab above.



Hoarding and Deposition in Europe


This Instrumentum meeting has been jointly organised by the Roman Finds Group, the Later Prehistoric Finds Group and Kings College, London.

Projects on hoards have looked at their composition and location. Recently excavated hoards also offer the chance to look at little studied aspects of hoarding as a depositional process, such as the environmental data. The conference will also explore other aspects of deposition.

Details from:



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