
Annual Symposium


The Research Committee has arranged the Annual Symposium for 2015 to include a range of speakers on Surrey topics. Prof. Alan Crocker will also be demonstrating papermaking during the lunch break. Displays from groups will be on show and new exhibitors are welcome. As usual the displays will have the chance to be judged for the Margary Award. A full programme is listed here:


10.00 Chair:

10.05 Recent finds in Surrey: FLO: David Williams

Medieval Studies Forum Meeting - "Belief and unbelief"


A meeting will be held at The Education Centre, Guildford Cathedral when the keynote speakers will be Prof John Arnold of Birkbeck and Prof Diane Watt of Surrey University. There will also be contributions from four members of the Forum. The cost of the day is £10 per person (£5 for students under 21). Please see the attached programme for details of all the presentations and of time, location etc.

LAMAS Annual Conference : Arenas of entertainment


The 51st Annual Conference of London Archaeologists organised by the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society will take place in the Weston Theatre Museum of London.

The morning will be a round up of Recent Work in London and Middlesex, followed by an affternoon themed on 'Arenas of Entertainment in Tudor and Jacobean London'.


A flyer PDF is attached showing full details and booking arrangements.


Medieval Studies Forum Meeting - "Surrey, Town & Country"


The Medieval Studies Forum will meet in Cobham Village Hall. The programme (attached) includes a variety of presentations together with discussions and debate on the contribution on the Saxon and post-conquest periods that the Forum will present to the Surrey Historic Environment Research Framework (SHERF)  Conference in the autumn.

IHR Summer School on Local History

Places are running out quickly for the forthcoming IHR summer school, taking place at Senate House on 4-6 July 2013 on the subject of Local History in the towns. Last year’s summer school proved to be hugely popular with individuals fascinated with local history and the event quickly filled up. We are expecting this year’s summer school to be equally popular, if not more so.

IHR Summer School on Local History

Places are running out quickly for the forthcoming Institute of Historical Research summer school, taking place at Senate House on 4-6 July 2013 on the subject of Local History in the towns. Last year’s summer school proved to be hugely popular with individuals fascinated with local history and the event quickly filled up. We are expecting this year’s summer school to be equally popular, if not more so.


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