
Thursley/Witley Common

Historic landscape survey commissioned by SCC and SyAS, as part of the Community Archaeology Project, and undertaken under the direction of C Currie of CKCA, to assess whether the study area was suitable for designation as an ASHLV. The survey included recording the three barrows and looking at the ponds in the Cosford and Witley Park stream valleys. A scatter of Mesolithic flint work and a bank (possibly a prehistoric land division) located close to the main barrow concentration on Witley Common were also revealed.

A3 Thursley junction

Topographic survey and watching brief by M Nicholls and M Williams of LPA prior to and during the construction of a slip road and bridge over the A3, and the erection of temporary buildings. The topographic survey recorded the remains of probable post-medieval ironstone quarries. No finds were recovered from these features during the subsequent watching brief.

Alton Road Sandpit, Farnham

Watching brief by I Barnes of SthnAS during sand extraction. No definite archaeological features were identified, although a possible plough scar contained a number of Roman pottery sherds, most of which appeared to come from a single vessel. A limited area of Pleistocene gravels was also identified, as was a buried soil of indeterminate date, although no Palaeolithic artefacts or biological material were noted within these deposits.

Runfold Farm, Runfold

Excavation by G Hayman of SCAU of the remainder of the Stage 2 quarry site, previously evaluated in 2003. Various ditches were revealed, up to three of which appeared to be Late Iron Age in origin, and may relate to a ‘Celtic’ field system recorded elsewhere on the site during previous archaeological investigations. An amorphous feature of indeterminate purpose, and possibly not entirely the result of human activity, was also found to contain a relatively sizeable quantity of Neolithic and Bronze Age flints.

Atlantic Wall, Hankley Common, Tilford

Photographic recording by T Howe of SCC during remedial works. Parts of the reinforcing iron superstructure of the wall had become dangerous through erosion to the concrete fabric and ongoing military use of the site. These were removed for health and safety reasons, with a basic record compiled to add to the SMR. Military use of the site has since ceased in order to protect the historic fabric and wider ecological balance of the feature and its surrounding landscape.

Farnham Park, Farnham

As part of a continuing survey, directed by D Graham of SyAS, further work was carried out in the north-west of the park with the help of the Farnham Metal Detecting Club. This produced numbers of musket and pistol balls and case shot of various types. These probably relate to fighting in the park in 1643 during the Civil War.


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