
48--49 Downing Street, Farnham

Evaluation by R Fitzpatrick of WA revealed a pit and a shallow ditch terminus/pit containing medieval pottery, together with a further pit dating to the post-medieval period, and a residual prehistoric flint scraper. A subsequent watching brief by J Millward of WA noted a similar depositional sequence to that recorded in the evaluation and excavation phases of work, but only the remains of a 19th century outbuilding added to the archaeological information recovered previously.

Fox Yard, Farnham

Watching brief by D and A Graham of SyAS revealed a late 19th century drainage access chamber, but no finds or features of an earlier date were discovered. This correlates with cartographic sources that suggest the area was undeveloped until the establishment of a nursery on the site in the mid--late 19th century.

1--13 Beavers Road, Farnham

Final phase of the watching brief by R Lambert of SCAU, which commenced in 2007. No features of archaeological significance were recorded, but a number of worked flints of probable Bronze Age date, together with pottery and clay pipe stems of late 17th--early 18th century origin, were recovered

A3--Hindhead bypass

Continuation of evaluation and mitigation work by A Manning of WA during the construction of the A3 bypass. Mesolithic and Neolithic flintwork was identified at Hazel Grove Junction, and from peat deposits sampled at Boundless Copse, although the latter deposits were identified as Bronze Age in origin. Little evidence for Roman or Saxon activity was noted beyond the presence of a few Romano-British coins and pottery recovered near Thursley. Medieval features included field systems, hollow-ways and strip lynchets at Hammer Lane, Boundless Copse, Hazel Grove and Begley Farm.

Rowly Drive, Rowly

Watching brief by T Munnery of SCAU during the excavations for a water pipeline. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed. A metal detector survey carried out simultaneously along the pipeline route recovered fragments of metalwork associated with the site of a German Junkers 88 aircraft, which was shot down and crashed nearby in April 1941. The actual site of the crash was, however, some distance from the pipeline route.

Holy Trinity church, Bramley

Watching brief by T Collie of ASE during the alteration and extension of the church hall. Two brick vaults were uncovered, one of which when investigated was found to contain coffin fragments but no identifiable human remains. The other could only be examined cursorily owing to its proximity to the church structure, although it was noted to be filled with broken tombstone fragments, which were largely left in situ. A single articulated skeleton was also revealed, together with a quantity of disarticulated human bone across the development area.


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