Evaluation by R Oram of TVAS. A post-medieval pit and an undated gully were the only features revealed, but Mesolithic or Neolithic flint and medieval pottery were also recovered.
Watching brief by C Thatcher of AOC during the removal of a floor in the underground boiler room. A section of sandstone and mortar wall of suspected 18th century date was revealed. The wall was on an unrelated alignment to both the church and the boiler room.
Report by N Cowell on dendrochronological work. Behind the Georgian and modern façade of the building lie two much older timber-framed buildings, one of which, a ‘Wealden’ house, was thought to date to about 1500. However, the dendrochronological work has shown it to date to between the Springs of 1445 and 1446. (390)
Evaluation by A and D Graham of SyAS to investigate the results of the 2002 fieldwalking survey. A concentrated area of tesserae revealed a short distance away from the area of the main villa complex was examined. A substantial post pit was revealed, possibly part of a large timber building. The backfill contained tesserae and the feature is therefore likely to be Roman in date. However, the main surface dump of tesserae probably comes from the nearby 19th century excavations on the site.
Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU prior to development. A number of burials of 19th century date were revealed, but no activity from earlier periods was observed, with the area apparently only taken into the graveyard late in the 19th century.
Geophysical survey by K Sabin of Archaeological Surveys to test whether geophysics was likely to be a useful evaluation technique in advance of the relocation of the road. Magnetometry identified a series of positive linear anomalies, although the overall conclusion was that the soils of the area were likely to produce no better than moderate results, and that there existed pockets of sandy geology where the method may be totally ineffective.
Investigation by J and P Wardle and M Rubra of SyAS. A series of chalk and flint footings discovered by the owner, which appeared to be the remains of a fairly recent structure probably removed in the early 1960s, were examined. The property lies on the route of the GCHQ Stop Line, although there was no conclusive evidence for a military connection to the structure. (394)