Evaluation by P Mason for AOC revealed deposits of alluvium sealed by modern rubble suggestive of horizontal truncation. Samples retrieved from a borehole survey did not contain sufficient organic material to permit palaeo-environmental reconstruction.
Watching brief by A Castle of TVAS revealed a modern pit that cut an earlier undated pit. The latter pit in turn cut two undated deposits that might be fills of a third feature, but as only a small part was exposed, it was not possible to confirm this. Their significance in terms of the history and topography of the abbey are therefore unclear with the overall investigation being too limited in scale to provide satisfactory evidence or conclusions.
Watching brief by S Watson of PCA revealed limited evidence of post-medieval garden deposits presumably associated with the gardens of Cowley House. No evidence of earlier activity was recorded.
Watching brief by I Howell of MOLA, following previous work in 2010 and 2011 (SyAC 97, 206–7; 98, 248–9), revealed evidence for Roman occupation including a group of Roman pottery containing large unabraded sherds and a fragment of a stamped mortarium.
Historic building recording by L Prosser for SCAU. The two principal buildings were of early 20th century date, later augmented by structures in the 1950s–70s that created a continuous industrial complex with smaller associated buildings. Several of these are probably also of early 20th century date. The earliest buildings were fairly technologically advanced, employing lightweight steel-framed construction with pink Fletton brick infill. Subsequent modification and development was traceable through the 20th century, with later augmentation and remodelling of the older buildings.
Geophysical survey and evaluation by J Powell of WA revealed the remains of a 19th century concrete house known as Fernlands that was demolished between 1938 and 1939. The structure, designed by architect Thomas Wonnacott and built in the period 1868–70, was one of the earliest non-military structures in the country constructed entirely from concrete and put Wonnacott at the forefront of his field. The remains consisted of unreinforced concrete and brick walls, floors or yard surfaces and basements.
Evaluation by S Driscoll of AA confirmed that undisturbed, post-medieval, human burials were preserved within the footprint of the proposed new development within the churchyard.