
The Vine Inn, Chertsey

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU. A large ditch containing a significant quantity of Bronze Age pottery and struck and burnt flint was revealed in one area of the site. Accompanying this was a large feature possibly representing a waterhole, four additional linear features, a curvilinear ditch and four postholes. All contained Bronze Age material. The features appear to have been protected by an alluvial deposit that was absent elsewhere on the site due to heavy post-medieval truncation.

St. Ann’s Hill, Chertsey

Watching brief by G Potter of CA. No in situ structures or features were noted. However, a number of finds were recovered, including worked, struck and burnt flints, a fragment of Roman brick, pieces of medieval tile and a few later post-medieval metal objects. The groundworks observed were too limited in nature to provide firm conclusions about the contextual significance of this material.

633 Franklands Drive, Addlestone

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by I Howell of MOLA. The work comprised Phase I of the mitigation programme necessitated by the results of the evaluation in 2008. The remains of 25 urned cremations of probable Late Iron Age/Early Roman date were revealed in a cluster, with an additional seven features interpreted as un-urned cremations of a similar period. A further four discrete features separated from the main cluster were thought to be un-urned cremations, and a single long bone within another feature was tentatively identified as a possible inhumation burial.

14/16/18 London Street, Chertsey

Excavation by R.J. Poulton for SyAS and DOE revealed a sequence of timber buildings starting probably in the 12th century, to the late 16th century and followed by at least seven phases of brick-built structures through to the late 19th century. It should be possible to establish a pottery sequence from the 12th to the 19th century. (146; check SyAC 85)

Runnymede Bridge

Salvage work and excavation (1978) by D.M. Longley and S.P. Needham for SyAS and DOE of a site discovered by D.M. Barker revealed two major levels: Neolithic sealed by flood deposits on which was a Later BA site associated with timber piles forming a waterfront. There were many finds including two polished axes, much LBA pottery and bone and a possible wooden cup. 'Environmental' samples of major importance were recovered. (152) (Current Archaeol 6 262-7)

Runnymede Bridge

Excavation (1976) by D.M. Longley for SyAS and DOE of a Later BA site produced several occupation features and pottery, bronze implements, bone worked and unworked (including antler cheek pieces) and other artefacts. (127) (London Archaeol 3, 10-17; full report in SyAS Res Vol 6)

Petter's Sports Field, Egham

Excavation by M.G. O'Connell for SyAS and DOE located an Early/Middle BA ditch, a LBA ditch containing a 78 piece bronze hoard (including a variety of weapons, tools, vessels, and ornamental attachments, and much pottery in the levels above), two parallel RB ditches (one a palisade trench?) probably of the later first century and part of a RB roadside ditch containing a coin of Constantine, part of a medieval ditch containing 12th century pottery and bone, and several later features. (138) Excavation was also continued on one part of the site by D.M.


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