The Bungalow, Willow Walk, Chertsey
Evaluation by A Tynan of AOC recorded no archaeological features although a small piece of late medieval decorated floor tile, probably from Chertsey Abbey, was found in a made-ground deposit.
Evaluation by A Tynan of AOC recorded no archaeological features although a small piece of late medieval decorated floor tile, probably from Chertsey Abbey, was found in a made-ground deposit.
Evaluation by J Aaronson of CA within the Scheduled Monument of Chertsey Abbey revealed a considerable amount of residual medieval material, including pottery, tile and brick that undoubtedly derives from Chertsey Abbey, but is believed to be material previously sifted out during excavations carried out in 1954. Gravel layers were also revealed that may have formed part of an earlier path skirting the south and western sides of the mid-19th century Abbey Lodge.
Evaluation by O Good of CA revealed evidence of low level, late post-medieval to early modern activity across the eastern part of the site in the form of a ditch, a large pit, two postholes and a short section of wall foundation. The features identified correlate well with the known development of the site in the mid–late 19th century by the Lion Brewery and its eventual demolition and redevelopment in the mid-20th century.