
A tour of a site, museum etc

SIHG Event: Farnham Industry (and more!) Walking Tour


Make your own way to  the Waggon Yard Car Park  GU9 7PS in time for a 10:30am start to the Farnham walking tour, guided by Richard Shenton, which will take 90-100 minutes. There will then be time for lunch to be taken individually (at your own expense). In the afternpon, you may wish to visit The Maltings or the Museum of Farnam, or further explore the streest, shops, pubs and teashops of Farnham

Walking tour of Roman Chichester - NOTE CHANGE OF DATE


David Rudling has kindly offered to take us on a walking tour around Roman Chichester. This will include the city wall, Novium Museum and bath house, the mosaic in the cathedral and the ampitheatre. A lunchtime venue will be arranged.

The cost of the tour is £5.

If you are interested in joining us please e-mail

Ankerwycke Excavation Tour


Join National Trust archaeologist James Brown and assistant archaeologist Harry Farmer on site at their Ankerwycke excavations this month for a guided walk around the site, sharing the most recent findings and insight as well as the wider story. The site is a hive of intrigue with both a Medieval nunnery, a Tudor mansion and possibly more sited within the investigation area.

Tour of Abinger Villa Dig


Join one of the guided tours of the Surrey Archaeological Society excavations at Cocks Farm, Abinger, where the site of a Roman villa with a long period of occupation is currently undergoing fieldwork. Tours will include a look at what's going on in the trenches, as well as the finds which have come out.

Two tours will be on offer throughout the day:

11:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00


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