Land at St Mary's Church, Church Lane, Headley

Evaluation by N Randall of SCAU on the site of a proposed extension to the existing graveyard revealed two postholes, one of prehistoric origin, and three pits, two of Neolithic or earlier date. The dateable posthole contained two sherds of pottery, one of Bronze Age or earlier date, and the other of Iron Age date. Three small fragments of burnt clay, two of which bear the imprint of walling wattles, were also recovered and may suggest the presence of a former structure. The undated posthole was located adjacent to this posthole, but had a different fill and the two are unlikely to be contemporary. The third pit contained a range of finds that included Bronze Age or earlier pottery, sherds of Roman pottery and medieval or post-medieval roof tile. The mixed and rolled nature of the finds suggest that the fill may have been subject to later disturbance, possibly through animal burrowing, but the presence of the Roman sherds from the upper and basal levels of the fill suggest that the feature is of this or later date. Little medieval or post-medieval material was recovered suggesting that the site lay beyond any area of activity surrounding the demolished medieval church located to the south of the current Victorian church.