The Close, Vicarage Road, Staines

Evaluation by D Hopkinson of AOC, on behalf of Nicholas King Homes, in advance of residential redevelopment revealed a number of features, including a possible cultivation mark containing a sherd of mid to late Bronze Age pottery. Subsequently an area excavation was carried out by R Entwistle of AOC and a watching brief was also maintained on the development. A small assemblage of Mesolithic flints was recovered, as well as some sherds of Neolithic and early Bronze Age pottery. The earliest features recorded were a number of small pits containing middle Bronze Age pottery, as well as some struck and burnt flints. A large shallow pit dating to the early Iron Age was the only certain feature of that date. A number of features containing Romano-British pottery were located at the southern end of the site, including a large ditch which may have acted as a boundary - perhaps for settlement outside the area of excavation. A large medieval ditch (13th-14th century) followed a similar alignment. A number of features could not be securely dated, including a large square enclosure.