Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation and excavation by G Hayman of SCAU of Phase 7 of this mineral extraction site, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, revealed a variety of features; the quantity of finds associated with many of these is indicative of settlement activity. Most features were revealed on an area of marginally higher ground. They include a very large ditch, possibly forming an enclosure around a settlement. The finds appear to be of Bronze Age date and probably relate to the settlement of that date found in previous phases (4E and 6B). Subsequent evaluation of most of phases 9 to 15 (centred TQ 057 686), revealed a lower concentration of features than in previous phases. However, several ditches and small pits, a number of cremation burials and one large pit or water hole were revealed. Like similar features revealed in previous phases, most produced either sherds of late Neolithic and Bronze Age pottery or pieces of struck flint, although residual artefacts of Roman and medieval date were also recovered. A subsequent excavation revealed predominantly Middle Bronze Age material, although some features were suspected to be late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age. Parts of three enclosures were identified, together with post holes, pits and evidence for cremation burials. The numerous post holes cannot readily be separated into distinct building plans, although several round houses are probably involved.