Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Leatherhead

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by D King of FA of a site close to the river Mole proposed for a new games area. The work revealed three linear features and a possible pit cut into the top of an alluvial layer present across the site. The dominating linear feature was up to 9m wide and possibly represented a trackway of medieval or post-medieval date. A stony layer running along its edge pre-dated the feature, and the Saxon pottery sherd contained within this layer may be either residual or date it to that period. This may have represented an earlier trackway or attempts to consolidate wet ground. The third linear feature followed the line of the large one, and its alignment suggests that there was an association between the two. The possible pit was of unknown function and date. The mixture of redeposited prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post-medieval finds from the fill of the large linear feature suggests the possibility of evidence of activity from a variety of periods existing in the vicinity.