Foundations Archaeology

Ashford Park Primary School, Station Crescent, Ashford

Watching brief by A Hood of FA revealed several possible ditches/gullies and two small undated pits or tree-throw holes. The majority of the ditches were on a north-west, south-east/north-east, south-west co-axial alignment, suggesting that they represent the remains of a former ditched field system. There was a general paucity of artefactual material from the ditches, although a single sherd of porcelain pottery from one of the fills could indicate that they date to the later medieval or post-medieval period. Two small sherds of possible Bronze Age pottery were recovered from a subsoil layer.

(Centred) Walton Bridge, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by A Hood and D King of FA in advance of the construction of the replacement bridge across the Thames and creation of an associated site compound and flood compensation area to the south-west. The evaluation did not reveal any features of archaeological interest in the area around the bridge, but a 'toothed' wooden artefact was recovered from the interface of the natural gravels and overlying deposits in one of the trenches, and further work is proposed within the area of its discovery.

Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Leatherhead

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by D King of FA of a site close to the river Mole proposed for a new games area. The work revealed three linear features and a possible pit cut into the top of an alluvial layer present across the site. The dominating linear feature was up to 9m wide and possibly represented a trackway of medieval or post-medieval date. A stony layer running along its edge pre-dated the feature, and the Saxon pottery sherd contained within this layer may be either residual or date it to that period.


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