

Mizen’s Farm, Horsell

Evaluation and watching brief by J Robertson and S Hind of SCAU, for TAG McLaren Holdings Ltd, of a further area of this development site - adjacent to the former farm buildings. In one trench a possible pit and a gulley were identified, both of which contained early Saxon pottery. Other features revealed in the trenching produced no dating evidence or were post-medieval or modern. A watching brief on the first phase of the development, the construction of the access road, revealed four shallow features.

Peper Harow

Recording of finds by D Graham and D Williams recovered during a metal detecting rally held on fields to the east, north and west of Peper Harow. Hundreds of objects were recorded ranging in date from the Middle Bronze Age to the 19th century. (330)

42-54 London Road, Staines

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU, for Taylor Woodrow Property, in advance of the redevelopment. At the rear of the site, two intercutting ditches of possibly Roman date were revealed; at the front of the site, one medieval and one undated ditch were revealed. A few sherds of prehistoric pottery were also recovered.

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

A watching brief was maintained by J Robertson of SCAU, for RMC Aggregates (UK) Ltd, on soil stripping in advance of mineral extraction. The site revealed no features of archaeological interest, although stray finds recovered include two struck flints and a sherd of Saxon grass-tempered pottery. Fragments of burnt flint and pieces of medieval and post-medieval tile were observed over much of the stripped area.

Battlebridge House, Merstham

Evaluation by D Dobson and D Killock of PCA, for Crest Homes, revealed evidence dating from the post-medieval period to the present day. One trench produced Bronze Age flintwork and a late 12th century pit. Further work revealed a truncated ditch aligned roughly east to west, the fills of which contained a sherd of Mid-Late Saxon pottery and one dating to the 12th century. This feature is likely to be the remains of a field or enclosure boundary.

Corner of Battlebridge Lane & Wells Place, Merstham

Evaluation and excavation by S Weaver and J Saunders of TVAS, for HBG Properties, of a site to be redeveloped for warehousing, did not reveal evidence for the barrows mentioned in this vicinity in the Merstham boundary charter of 947 AD. The evaluation did reveal a number of dateable pits and ditches indicating the presence of a late Iron Age / early Roman settlement. One of the features was initially thought to represent part of a curvilinear boundary ditch, but the subsequent excavation illustrated that this was one of two rectilinear ditches on the site.

Moor Lane, Staines

Evaluation by J Pine of TVAS in advance of redevelopment revealed a concentration of features in one part of the site. The features comprised pits, postholes and two possible ditches, and may represent several phases of activity. The features that could be dated appear to be from the early Medieval period, but the discovery of pottery of Roman and early to middle Saxon date suggests activity of those dates in the near vicinity. Excavation of this area is proposed for the future.

Waterloo House, High Street, Epsom

Watching brief by K Sabel of PCA on geotechnical trial pits. Evidence for the 17th-18th century origins of the building were revealed, including earlier foundations, drainage and timber flooring. Remains pre-dating Waterloo House were also revealed, in the form of surviving post-medieval layers and residual medieval building material. Considerable evidence of Saxon/Early Medieval occupation was recovered also.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Continuing monitoring work by J Stevenson of SCAU in an area located immediately to the south of previous work undertaken in 1999 and 2000. The more securely dated features include: a Neolithic pit containing a complete Ebbsfleet bowl; several mid--Late Bronze Age pits; a small Iron Age pit containing nothing but a complete triangular loomweight; three sides of an enclosure of prehistoric date; the right-angled corner of a Roman enclosure, leading towards an area of concentrated Roman activity identified previously, and some middle Saxon pits.


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