


Trial excavation (1977) of a crop mark site by R.J. Poulton for SyAS and DOE located a possible Roman road ditch and earlier features. The finds included possible early Saxon pottery. (146)

Friends Burial Ground, Staines

Excavation (1976) by K. Crouch for LAMAS and DOE revealed a RB occupation site of late lst/2nd century date, abandoned 3rd century with some reoccupation in the 4th. There was evidence of 5th/6th century Saxon occupation; the site was given over to agriculture from the late Saxon period. (London Archaeol 2, 362-5)

Long Ditton

Surviving traces of a ditched boundary between Long Ditton and Thames Ditton parishes may be pre-Saxon in origin if they are part of the 'long ditch' from which Long Ditton gets its name. Noted by D Field. (see Bulletin 165)


Large-scale excavation by M G O'Connell for SCC, Hall Aggregates (Thames Valley) Ltd, HBMC, and the Community Task Force. Neolithic cursus ditches recorded in detail in several places, also probably LBA field boundaries and large pits (7 wells), some with waterlogged wood remains. The supposed `henge', tentatively identified on aerial photographs, was found to be an ill-defined probably Saxon feature.

Chart Lane, Reigate

Excavation by D W Williams for HAG on open land opposite Reigate parish church, to test for Saxon settlement evidence. No features earlier than 19th century were found, and no finds earlier than the 13th except for two shell-tempered sherds. (198)

South Farm, Lightwater

Two seasons of excavation by G H Cole for Surrey Heath Group of SyAS. The first located extensive probably late IA to early RB bronze and iron slag and related deposits, a large IA ditch, a 3rd century RB timber framed structure, a post-4th century palisade and plank-formed building and various later RB ditches. Some 5.4m of the timber sole plate of the 3rd century building survived as charcoal. (208)

Saxon County School, Shepperton

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC in advance of building work. A flint scatter and a Mesolithic tranchet axe indicated prehistoric activity in the area, and RB pottery and tile suggested a nearby site, whose whereabouts were possibly identified by a resistivity survey. The excavation produced a substantial early Saxon midden deposit, with much bone and pottery, the latter of a number of different types. There were also late Saxon ditches parallel to previous discoveries, and a scatter of medieval pottery. (216)

Courage's Brewery, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Courage in advance of redevelopment examined medieval river channels and an area adjacent to the Church Street frontage, where some deeper features survived destruction by recent activity. One deep linear feature had a fill of RB building debris, and a levelling layer over it contained early to mid Saxon pottery. A ditch filled in in the 1101/12th century and several 13th-14th century features were also found. (220)


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