

Saxon Primary School, Briar Road, Shepperton

A magnetometry and earth resistance survey by R and S Ainslie of Abingdon Archaeological Geophysics within the boundary of the Scheduled Monument revealed three anomalies of possible archaeological origin. A subsequent test pit evaluation by W Weller of SCAU revealed a segment of a possible early medieval ditch towards the north of the site and confirmed that some areas to the south of the site had been truncated by recent quarrying.

Land at 12 Guildown Avenue, Guildford

Archaeological monitoring of soil stripping by L Lewins of TVAS revealed seven graves containing the remains of at least ten individuals. A minimum of two phases of burial were identified, characterised by those displaying an expected burial form for furnished early medieval burials, and later non-normative graves. Recovered artefacts and radiocarbon dating indicates that this part of the Guildown cemetery was in use over an extended period of time spanning the 6th to 11th centuries AD. The majority of skeletons were buried in supine and extended positions.

Guide to Researching the Landscape of Surrey in the Middle Ages

Imbhams Farm near Haslemere

This guide is a collection of links to online resources useful for the study of medieval landscapes in the historic county of Surrey, put together by Rob Briggs, Historic Environment Record Officer for Surrey County Council. It acts as a follow-up to a Surrey Archaeological Society study day about the medieval landscape in March 2020, with a focus not on medieval towns and villages but on the surrounding manors, farms, fields and other rural institutions.

Anglo-Saxons or the not so Dark Ages


The Anglo-Saxons dominated much of England from 410-1066. Mercenaries had for many years fought in the Roman army in Britain so they were not total strangers to the island. Discover what life was like for the people who gave Ewell its name, which means 'the people who live at the start of the river'.

£5 per child

For details contact:


Old Woking

Eight test pits dug by SyAS under the direction of R Savage (four at the White Hart, 150 High Street, together with three at The Old Vicarage and one at Lea Cottage, both in Church Street). A small amount of Late Saxon pottery was recovered in the two locations in Church Street, while stratified 12th century layers were revealed close to the High Street at the White Hart.

Godalming town centre

Test pitting by A Guinness of SCAU. Eight test pits were excavated in various locations around Godalming town centre as part of the Community Archaeology 'Staycation' project. Although limited in scope, the results were encouraging in the overall aim of improving the understanding of the origins and development of the historic town, and provided evidence for Saxon occupation near the present church, suggesting that Mint Street might be a focus for late Saxon activity and signs of 12th century expansion from the High Street towards the north of the town.

Hengrove Farm, Staines

Excavation by J Robertson of SCAU in advance of continuing mineral extraction following work undertaken on the quarry site between 1999 and 2006. The work produced features and finds of many periods. Three tree-throw holes were identified that included Mesolithic flintwork of primary deposition, while many of the other tree-throw holes produced pottery and flintwork of Neolithic date. A number of pits of Neolithic date were also excavated and, like the tree-throw holes, were quite widely scattered across the area.


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