
Rowhurst excavations 2019-2022


Rowhurst - Fire and Iron Gallery

A community test-pitting program took place in 2019 at Rowhurst near Leatherhead in Surrey. The site has a Grade II* listed building on the site dating back to 1346 and surface finds on the site included Bronze Age and Roman pottery and an Iron Age gold stater. The public were given experience in both test-pitting and finds processing.

Symposium 2024 - BOOK ONLINE NOW


The Annual Symposium of the Society will take place in East Horsley Village Hall. Online booking via PayPal at £12 per person is now available by clicking on the BOOK tab above. Due to difficulty in paying them in cheques cannot now be accepted. Online booking enables us to assess the catering requirements and streamlines the administration process.

Payment by cash on the day is discouraged but will be possible and exact change would be appreciated. Tickets cost £12 per person.

'Reinvestigating Richborough: A New Story for an Old Site' - a Zoom talk by Dr Philip Smither (FLO for Berkshire)


Dr Philip Smither, Finds Liaison Officer for Berkshire, has offered to talk to us on the subject of his PhD thesis at the University of Kent, the Roman site at Richborough. Hear about Philip's research - ‘Army Communities at Roman Richborough: An Analysis of the Roman Military Assemblage.' and how this has altered perception about this important Roman site. 

This  talk will  take place on Zoom and is open only to RSG members. If you would like to join RSG you can join for £5 (see RSG page) if you are already a member of SyAS.

Zoom talk on Cocks Farm Abinger - excavations in 2023 - Emma Corke


Emma Corke, Site Director of Cocks Farm Abinger, will be updating us on findings from the 2023 season on the hill adjacent to the Cock Farm Roman villa. This is part of an ongoing series of excavations related to features identified in magnetometry surveys, done as part of a villa estate research project.

This  talk will  take place on Zoom and is open only to RSG members. If you would like to join RSG you can join for £5 (see RSG page) if you are already a member of SyAS.

Roman road research in Surrey - David Calow


Following on from a successful Surrey Roman Rural Settlement Project a Roman Road Group has formed. David Calow will lead the feed-back on geophysics and excavations which have confirmed part of a previously postulated road in SW Surrey.

This  talk will take place on Zoom. Whilst attendance is restricted to RSG members, if you are already a SyAS member you are welcome to join the group at a cost of £5 (see RSG page). 

RSG Zoom talk - Professor Tony King on Meonstoke - temple or villa?


Our November speaker is Professor Tony King who will give a talk on ‘Meonstoke – temple or villa?’  Evidence for a Roman building on the edge of Meonstoke, in the Meon Valley near Winchester, has been known since the 1930s. Excavations since the 1980s have uncovered an aisled building with a collapsed facade and more recently an unusual hexagonal building. Research continues into its function. 


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