
Area round Cranleigh

Seven sites producing worked flint found by Judie English in fieldwalking. She notes that all are on soils warmer and better drained than the surrounding clay, and that very few primary flakes were found, suggesting preliminary working at source, presumably on the Downs. At Snoxhall (TQ 060 373) some 450 Mesolithic flints were found, including six scrapers, one knife, five burins and eight microliths. 76 Mesolithic flints, including one microlith, were found at Knowle (TQ 055 382). 30 worked flints, including a microburin, were discovered in Lower Canfold Wood (TQ 082 395).

Shepperton Ranges

Site watching by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone Ltd located some prehistoric features. Two sets of important finds were made during extraction, apparently coming from a buried river channel. They were five complete 3rd/4th century RB pewter plates (fig 1) and three iron swords, one without its hilt, one with a bone handle of uncertain date, and one considered to be of Petersen type L, dated AD 840-90,

76-88 High Street, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC, Prudential Property Services and Woolwich Building Society in advance of redevelopment examined aspects of the site from its street frontage to the Sweeps Ditch. There was some evidence for prehistoric activity in the area near the latter, at the northern end of the site. On the street frontage evidence for occupation in the 1st, 2nd, possibly the 4th, 13th, 14th and from the 16th to the 20th centuries was found.

Esso HQ Ashtead

Excavation by G N Hayman for SCC and Esso Petroleum revealed further evidence for the Saxon period cemeteries previously excavated. Another 12 inhumations were found, five clearly pagan, of which three had iron knives, one also having two bronze pins. The other burials were probably executions; one in particular seemed to have had hands tied behind the back. Some 15 sherds of prehistoric pottery, some at least probably Neolithic, were found in the excavation. (241) The laying of a water main along the lane to the south was monitored by L Le Mottee, but nothing of interest was observed.

Bocketts Farm

Initial phases of the Surrey Historic Landscape Project included fieldwalking in this area by S P Dyer and Judie English for SyAS. Finds in 1989 were mostly flintwork with a little pottery.

General: Abinger-Holmbury

Report by D J Field and K Winser of fieldwalking project on a transect 1km by 10km set across the geological grain. Nearly 200ha of woodland were walked; particularly noted were a large number of quarries on the Hythe Beds. It is suggested that some could be early, perhaps RB. Systematic walking of nearly 100ha of ploughed land produced an estimated 25,000 pieces of flint coming from throughout the area. (230) Pottery suggesting a RB occupation site was discovered in the Abinger area; only sandstone blocks and a few sherds were found on the known villa site.

A3 Hog's Back to B3000

Report by K D Graham of fieldwork on the A3 improvement scheme. Little material was recovered, even near the known RB villa at Compton. A handful of RB tile was found at the southern end of this part of the road scheme, and a few struck flint flakes and sherds of medieval pottery were also recovered generally along the route. (229)

Former Sewage Works, Cobham

Trial excavation and survey by R J Poulton for SCC and J Sainsbury revealed only scattered artefacts including probable Mesolithic flints and prehistoric, RB and medieval pottery. It appeared that medieval ploughing had destroyed all ancient levels which may have existed. (235)

Wiggie, Redhill

Survey of housing development by D W Williams: a scatter of crudely worked flint and three small prehistoric sherds were found, and a concentration of 13th century pottery was noted in the north-west corner of the site. Metal detector users recovered a medieval jetton and a decorated lead weight.


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