

Trial excavation (1977) by Ann Watson followed by excavation (1978) by M.G. O'Connell for SyAS and DOE located a few 12th century features, and prehistoric pottery in apparently redeposited soil. (155)


Small-scale excavation by R I Macphail, Ann Watson and D G Bird to test the former's theories about brownearth erosion as a result of tree clearance in the prehistoric period.

Abbey Meads

Site watching of topsoil removal before gravel extraction by J J Chapman for SAFG revealed no features and only two flints and one fragment of RB pottery.

Sheep Walk, Shepperton

Site watching and sample excavation by D G Bird for SCC of a buried watercourse feature revealed in gravel extraction. Three radiocarbon dates were obtained from waterlogged timbers in a section across the channel: 5230±95; 5210±80; 5220±90, all before present. An earlier and deeper buried channel was also noted briefly. (199)

Dry Hill Camp, Lingfield

The NE corner of the hill fort was walked after ploughing by D G Bird for SCC. Only a few fragments of probably modern tile, four probably unworked lumps of flint and a small piece of iron slag were noted. The SE corner was later walked, again with very few finds including a few flints with one fine scraper. (209)

Area round Cranleigh

Seven sites producing worked flint found by Judie English in fieldwalking. She notes that all are on soils warmer and better drained than the surrounding clay, and that very few primary flakes were found, suggesting preliminary working at source, presumably on the Downs. At Snoxhall (TQ 060 373) some 450 Mesolithic flints were found, including six scrapers, one knife, five burins and eight microliths. 76 Mesolithic flints, including one microlith, were found at Knowle (TQ 055 382). 30 worked flints, including a microburin, were discovered in Lower Canfold Wood (TQ 082 395).


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