

Trial excavation (1977) by Ann Watson followed by excavation (1978) by M.G. O'Connell for SyAS and DOE located a few 12th century features, and prehistoric pottery in apparently redeposited soil. (155)


Small-scale excavation by R I Macphail, Ann Watson and D G Bird to test the former's theories about brownearth erosion as a result of tree clearance in the prehistoric period.

Abbey Meads

Site watching of topsoil removal before gravel extraction by J J Chapman for SAFG revealed no features and only two flints and one fragment of RB pottery.

Sheep Walk, Shepperton

Site watching and sample excavation by D G Bird for SCC of a buried watercourse feature revealed in gravel extraction. Three radiocarbon dates were obtained from waterlogged timbers in a section across the channel: 5230±95; 5210±80; 5220±90, all before present. An earlier and deeper buried channel was also noted briefly. (199)

Dry Hill Camp, Lingfield

The NE corner of the hill fort was walked after ploughing by D G Bird for SCC. Only a few fragments of probably modern tile, four probably unworked lumps of flint and a small piece of iron slag were noted. The SE corner was later walked, again with very few finds including a few flints with one fine scraper. (209)


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