
81-84 High Street, Egham

Evaluation of this site by J Saunders of TVAS, for Prides Crossing Property Ltd and Cardale Developments Ltd, revealed little evidence for activity on the rear of the site except a possible medieval or post-medieval ditch and earlier pit. Towards the street frontage a sequence of medieval deposits was revealed, leading to area excavation. This confirmed the presence of deposits relating to occupation from the 12th century onwards, although the area of the street frontage itself was found to have been destroyed by basementing.

Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Excavations (centred TQ 063 630) by G Hayman of SCAU, for Ready Mixed Concrete (UK) Ltd, followed earlier evaluation. The work confirmed the presence of Iron Age and Roman settlement; some medieval features were also identified. (314) Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU of Phase 4 of this mineral extraction site (centred TQ 057 635) revealed two areas with some archaeological interest. Both produced gullies or ditches containing prehistoric, probably Bronze Age, pottery. Other features were of post-medieval date. Finds recovered include an obliquely blunted point microlith. (321)

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for RMC Aggregates (UK) Ltd, in advance of mineral extraction. Although no features of archaeological interest were revealed, a number of stray finds indicate activity relating to the prehistoric, Roman, possibly Saxon, and medieval periods. A watching brief was subsequently maintained on stripping of the first phase for extraction and a pit and possible post hole were recorded. Both features contained a mix of finds ranging from struck flints, through Saxon grass-tempered pottery to medieval and post-medieval pottery. (321

Eyhurst Golf Course, Chipstead

Evaluation and watching brief by G Pattison of SCAU, for C Bell (Tadworth) Ltd, as part of the construction of a golf course. No features were recorded during the evaluation, and the only finds were a couple of pieces of medieval pottery (Eyhurst Farm dates to the 14th century). A few pieces of struck flint were recovered during the watching brief. (314)

Shelvers Green, Tadworth

Evaluation by SutAS, for Linden Homes South-East Ltd, of an area to be redeveloped found no features of archaeological interest. A number of finds of struck and burnt flint recovered are likely to have derived from upslope, indicating prehistoric activity in the vicinity of, but not on, the development site. (311)

Reigate Heath

Historic landscape survey of the heath by N Bannister for Reigate & Banstead Borough Council and the Reigate & Banstead Archaeological Co-ordination Committee. Apart from the remains of the known barrows, another possible barrow was identified, as well as two former tree clumps, which might originally have been sited on mounds (possibly barrows). The remainder of the earthworks identified largely consist of holloways, quarries and former ponds. Areas formerly wet heath were found to have dried out, leading to a potential loss of palaeo-environmental evidence.

Farnham Park, Farnham

A landscape survey, including some limited trial trenching, was carried out by D Graham for Waverley Borough Council, as part of a programme designed to assisst with the management of the park. The initial ground survey recorded the remains of open field systems in the form of ridge and furrow strips of probable medieval date, including one apparently overlain by the park’s boundary, established in 1376-77. Evidence for industrial activity was seen in the form of small clay diggings, some of which were close to the site of a previously discovered medieval tile kiln.

North East Surrey College of Technology, Ewell

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for NESCOT, of areas for new buildings adjacent to the college. The trial trenching revealed a gully containing numerous pieces of worked flint; a second gully-like feature identified may be of natural origin. A subsequent watching brief on the development recorded a continuation of the prehistoric gully, which produced further flint, and a second feature from which no finds were retrieved. (321)

Staines Road Farm, Shepperton

A watching brief was carried out by M Dover of SCAU, for Henry Streeter (Sand and Ballast) Ltd, on continuing works at this mineral extraction site. No archaeological features were observed, but a number of unstratified struck flints were recovered, suggesting a possible broad area of prehistoric occupation in the south-eastern corner of the site.

4-10 London Road, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT, under the direction of G Cole, revealed evidence of prehistoric, medieval and later activity. Two phases of prehistoric activity were recorded. The first comprised the terminal ends of two ditches, one truncating the other, together with the lower levels of a rampart and a series of post-bases; and the second comprised flint foundations and associated stake holes. Fragmentary remains of two hearth bases were noted, and a well from which medieval pottery and hearth fragments were recovered was partially excavated.


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