

Former Anchor Garage and land to rear, Chertsey Road, Shepperton

An initial evaluation by G Potter of CA revealed archaeology of medieval and post-medieval date. A subsequent watching brief identified similar finds and features from these periods, including the ground plan of a small post-medieval cottage. Although at present only provisional dates are available, several features appear to relate to the Roman period including a significant length of ditch. A single inhumation in a square burial pit was also excavated. The skeleton has been dated to the Iron Age, and belongs to a female in her late 40s.

Staines and Laleham Hockey Club, Worple Road, Staines

Watching brief carried out by J Robertson of SCAU during work on drainage trenches and soakaway pits for a new all-weather sports surface. The narrow width of the trenches made it difficult to check for the presence of features, and only a sherd of Roman pottery was recovered from the subsoil of one of the soakaway pits. A number of finds, which included several pieces of struck flint, fragments of burnt flint, a lava quernstone fragment, and medieval or post-medieval tile, were retrieved from the spoil heaps.

Oliver Court, Egham

Test pitting by S Johnson of JSAC prior to redevelopment revealed features of potential early medieval date, although firm conclusions as to the nature of the site were difficult to make owing to the limited nature of the exercise.

Abbey Lodge, Chertsey

Watching brief by R Poulton of SCAU during the construction of an extension. A linear feature observed in two sections appeared to be a robber trench relating to the demolition of the abbey. The location of the feature corresponded with the supposed position of the abbey Cloister Walk, although its dimensions were not consistent with this interpretation. It was thought more likely to represent the remains of a pentice wall.

Tattenham Way Allotments, Banstead

Continuing excavation and fieldwalking by Plateau recovered further finds of worked flint of Lower Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age date, while pottery dating to the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval periods was also found. A large Neolithic or Bronze Age leaf-shaped arrowhead and a probable Bronze Age pendant were among the finds. Features on the site included a probable late Roman farmstead enclosure, and a Mesolithic tree-throw pit shelter with rubbish pit.

Wotton House, Wotton

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed the foundations of a wall, the bricks of which did not match those currently visible in the upstanding parts of Wotton House. The position and course of the wall suggests that it corresponds with a wall on a plan made by John Evelyn in 1651. A drain, possibly contemporary in date, and a layer through which the wall foundation had been cut, were also of potential interest, especially since a late 16th or early 17th century pot sherd was recovered from the latter.

Nork Park, Banstead

Excavation by Plateau to investigate the site of a building shown on the 1819 estate plan, which may have been the medieval church of Burgh. A small trench revealed a chalk floor resting above a pebble floor, of either medieval or post-medieval date.

Banstead Heath landscape survey

Survey undertaken under the direction of C Currie of CKCA, as part of the Community Archaeology Project for SCC and SyAS, to assess whether the study area was suitable for designation as an ASHLV. Both documentary research and fieldwork added greatly to existing knowledge of the area, and highlighted the presence of a range of archaeological remains dating from the Palaeolithic through to the Second World War.


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