

Battlebridge House, Merstham

Evaluation by D Dobson and D Killock of PCA, for Crest Homes, revealed evidence dating from the post-medieval period to the present day. One trench produced Bronze Age flintwork and a late 12th century pit. Further work revealed a truncated ditch aligned roughly east to west, the fills of which contained a sherd of Mid-Late Saxon pottery and one dating to the 12th century. This feature is likely to be the remains of a field or enclosure boundary.

The Barons, Reigate

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Green Property (UK) Ltd, in advance of redevelopment for offices, revealed no features of archaeological interest. A number of finds were recovered however. These included pieces of struck prehistoric flint and numerous sherds of pottery, ranging in date from the 12th century onwards, as well as fragments of tile, clay pipe and animal bone. It is likely that this area was formerly in agricultural use and that most of these finds are the result of manuring.

Town Hall, Reigate

Excavation and watching brief by J Robertson of SCAU, for Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, revealed the bailey ditch of Reigate Castle, and related 13th century features. The ditch had been cleaned out in the 18th century and used as a moated feature within the landscaped grounds of the former castle, and filled in during the late 18th or 19th century, possibly when the adjacent Tunnel Road was constructed in 1821.

Former Royal Earlswood Hospital, Redhill

Evaluation by D Divers of PCA, on behalf of Barratt Southern Counties, on part of the former hospital’s grounds in advance of residential redevelopment. In one area of the site, the natural was found to have been truncated by terracing. Some finds of interest were recovered; a flint blade and waste flake, two abraded sherds of 1st century Roman pottery, and several fragments of medieval roof tile, but no features were revealed.

Home Farm, Newdigate

Dendrochronolgy of timbers from three buildings at this farm (the house, the South Barn and the East Barn) was carried out by M C Bridge, for the Ancient Monuments Laboratory. The trees for the primary base-cruck of the house were felled in AD 1351; oaks used in a second range were most likely felled in the period AD 1488-1507. These were contemporaneous with the East Barn (AD 1484-1491). New framing, incorporating a large entrance door, was added to the east side of the house from trees probably felled in AD 1574-1603; trees for a rear range were felled in AD 1639.

centred, Mickleham Downs

Survey of the archaeological and historic landscape of the Downs by C Currie of CKC Archaeology, for SCC and SyAS, with reference to them being proposed as Areas of Historic Landscape. The work is ongoing and is being carried out as part of the Community Archaeological Programme. A number of archaeological features were discovered and recorded including a group of possible Bronze Age barrows in an area recently cleared of woodland cover, and a deserted medieval hamlet formerly known as Poneshurst.

St. Mary’s Church, Ripley

Evaluation by J Stevenson of SCAU, for the Church of St. Mary’s, prior to a reduction in ground level within the north central section of the nave. The earth was removed by hand and revealed roughly faced limestone blocks. These were probably the original foundations of the old south wall of the church, demolished in the 19th century. The excavation recovered chalk and tile fragments and revealed a post hole, which probably all relate to the 19th century demolition and site levelling.

137-143 High Street, Guildford

Excavation, watching brief, and historic building recording programme, by Charlotte Matthews of Wessex, on behalf of Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance Company, prior to redevelopment. Features dating from the 12th to 18th/19th centuries were revealed, although nothing from the late medieval to early post medieval was found. Virtually no structural remains survived; it is likely that prior to the 18th century the area investigated lay in yard areas to the rear of the street frontage buildings.


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