17th century

Farnham Park

Test trenching by D Graham of SyAS confirmed that the low platform visible just outside and slightly to the north of the postern gate of Farnham Castle is in fact a laid gravel surface. The feature was first noted during a landscape survey in 1998 and appears to lie at the western end of a slight flattened bank that runs through the Park

Waterloo House, High Street, Epsom

Watching brief by K Sabel of PCA on geotechnical trial pits. Evidence for the 17th-18th century origins of the building were revealed, including earlier foundations, drainage and timber flooring. Remains pre-dating Waterloo House were also revealed, in the form of surviving post-medieval layers and residual medieval building material. Considerable evidence of Saxon/Early Medieval occupation was recovered also.

Wotton House, Wotton

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU revealed the foundations of a wall, the bricks of which did not match those currently visible in the upstanding parts of Wotton House. The position and course of the wall suggests that it corresponds with a wall on a plan made by John Evelyn in 1651. A drain, possibly contemporary in date, and a layer through which the wall foundation had been cut, were also of potential interest, especially since a late 16th or early 17th century pot sherd was recovered from the latter.

Farnham Park

Metal detecting survey directed by D Graham of SyAS of an area where a spread of Civil War munitions had recently been discovered. The survey recovered additional shot, a quantity of which was located in two lines, and probably indicates the position of two skirmishing lines firing at each other. (361)

19 High Street, Reigate

Evaluation by E Wragg of PCA prior to development revealed a sequence of mid 17th and 18th century layers and pits, associated with domestic and possibly small-scale industrial activities. Sealed by these deposits was an apparent 13th century horizon of mixed redeposited natural sand and silt. No features were observed in this layer, although only a small area could be examined in the confines of the evaluation trench. Subsequent excavations by H Clough of PCA revealed a large, hitherto unsuspected Medieval water feature, which greatly exceeded the extent of the excavation area.

58-84 High Street, Dorking

Watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU and members of the WCMS on a network of caves identified on the site during work last year. The caves are believed to have been created in the 17th or 18th centuries, at a similar time to others present along the High Street and South Street. Their primary function appear to be as a source of high quality sand, although their subsequent uses appear to have been varied, including modification to use as a World War II air raid shelter.

Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Guildford

Evaluation and excavation by P Boyer of PCA prior to residential development. Extensive horizontal truncation, probably dating to the establishment of the barracks during World War II, was found across the majority of the site. However, a Roman enclosure dating to the mid/late 1st century AD was revealed, which probably formed part of a wider agricultural landscape. Later 17th and 18th century agricultural features were also identified in the same area, which appeared to have escaped the truncation evident across the rest of the site.


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