17th century

Angel Hotel, Guildford

Evaluation by Rob Poulton of SCAU for S K Kuntze & Associates, of the area of a new extension to the rear of the hotel, revealed two large pits, interpreted as cesspits. The pits were infilled with rubbish in the mid-13th century, making them roughly contemporaneous with the undercroft at the front of the hotel. A watching brief on the works was subsequently carried out by J Robertson of SCAU and GMVEU also kept an eye on the development. Six pits dating to between the late 12th and 14th centuries were identified. Four pits contained no dating evidence but are likely to be medieval.

42 London Road, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT continued. Further evidence for the 17th-19th century tannery was recorded, below which flood deposits sealed levels of Romano-British date. Pottery recovered indicates occupation from the mid/late 1st century through to the late 3rd. Further flood deposits below these levels sealed ditches associated with concentrations of burnt and struck flint and pottery, which appears to be early Neolithic in date. (309)

44 High Street, Bagshot

Report on a wall painting revealed during renovation works. The paintings were recorded by G Pattison of SCAU and P Gray of SyAS. The building itself appears to be 14th century in origin, with a 16th century rebuild. The paintings were revealed on two walls of a downstairs room and probably represent 16th and 17th century decoration, possibly relating to the building’s use as an inn. (317, 321)

Botleys Park, Chertsey

Evaluation and a subsequent watching brief were carried out by R Poulton of SCAU, for P&O Developments, on part of the redevelopment of this hospital site. Evidence was revealed for formal gardens and structures presumed to relate to the precursor of the present, mid 18th century, Botleys Mansion, and also for 17th to 18th century brick making. (314)

Reigate Priory, Reigate

A building survey was carried out by G Pattison and N Shaikhley of SCAU for SCC’s Resources Dept, after the removal of external rendering revealed a number of different phases; two elevations were recorded. The present Priory building lies on the site of Reigate Priory, founded in 1235 and dissolved in 1535, but the earliest structural work recorded was late 17th century. (314)

The Old Abattoir site, Rose Hill, Dorking

Building recording by Beryl Higgins & Vivienne Ettlinger of one of the former abattoir buildings, to be retained and refurbished, identified it as 17th or 18th century in origin. A watching brief was undertaken by N Shaikhley of SCAU, for Ian Vincent Property, during construction of housing on the remainder of the site. A ceramic vessel, identified as a ‘tyg’ of 17th century date, was found in spoil. No features of archaeological interest were revealed; the site was seen to have been very disturbed. (314, 321)

28A Castle Street, Guildford

A watching brief was maintained by R Poulton of SCAU, on behalf of Holmshaw Property Company Ltd, during the course of clearance and construction on the site. Only two relatively undisturbed areas were exposed. No features were revealed; finds from the site included 17th century and later brick, pottery and a clay pipe, but nothing obviously earlier. (321)


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