17th century

Long Garden Walk East, Farnham

Excavation and observation by K D Graham for FDMS in advance of redevelopment. A few RB and medieval sherds were found in trial trenching, and several pits and ditches of late to post-medieval date were observed in development. One large ditch running north-west–south-east may be part of hastily-erected Civil War defences. It had apparently been rapidly backfilled, and contained pottery consistent with a mid-17th century date. (227)

48-54, High Street, Bagshot

Further work on site was carried out by G H Cole for Surrey Heath Group of SyAS. A further length of a ditch seen in 1983 was Located; it contained several sherds of grass or chaff-tempered pottery. Also found was evidence for a well-preserved timber post and plank building of AD 1250 to 1350 replaced by a late 14th century post-built structure (partially seen in 1984/85). A complete wooden barrel, set in puddled clay, was thought to underlie the levels dated 1250-1350, and beneath it was found a complete wooden bowl. More information was gained about the 17th century tavern (?

56 High Street, Bagshot

Excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT and Surrey Heath BC in advance of redevelopment. Waterlogged remains of a timber building provisionally dated to 1300-1350 were found, cut by a fence line and then by a massive post-built structure dated to the early 16th century. This was followed by the artificial raising of the land and the construction of a stone building of c1550-1640 dated by pottery, glass, etc thought to indicate a drinking house. The site was then unoccupied until the mid-late 18th century when the cottages recently demolished were constructed.

London Road, Reigate

Section across a building on the Auction Rooms site recorded by D W Williams for HAG. The remains are identified as the rear of a probably early 17th century building backing onto the lip of the castle ditch and demolished and backfilled c1700. Earlier levels may have existed here. (234)

Priory Park, Reigate

Small-scale excavation by D W Williams (following topsoil stripping of area just south-east of the Priory for construction of a children's play area) revealed evidence for a probable path founded on a great deal of building rubble perhaps taken from the Tudor mansion during alterations. The path is provisionally dated to the 17th or 18th century. (253; see also note in SyAC 81, 171))

Runfold Farm, Badshot Lea

Fieldwalking as a first stage of evaluation in advance of mineral extraction by S P Dyer for SCAU and Pioneer Aggregates UK Ltd. A number of clay pits were found across the area, presumably indicating clay was being dug for pottery manufacture. A quantity of Roman period pottery was found and it is known that this region had a widespread pottery industry from the 1st century AD onwards. However, a number of 16th and 17th century pot sherds, some apparently manufacturing wasters, were also found.

Pyrford Golf Course

Fieldwalking in advance of construction of the golf course was carried out by P M G Jones of SCAU for O & J House Ltd. Some prehistoric flints were recovered, but the only evidence for occupation was two concentrations of building debris, which could be associated with buildings shown on a 17th century plan of the Pyrford estate.

Town Hall, Staines

A watching brief on groundworks at the Town Hall and some excavation was carried out by P M G Jones of SCAU for Spelthorne Borough Council. This confirmed that the building lay over medieval and Roman near-shore muds and silts which were sealed below 16th-17th century levels, probably representing foreshore reclamation. A reed peat filled feature of 15th century date was recorded, which contained numerous cut offs of wood and scraps of leather. The earliest buildings on the site appear to be late 15th or 16th century in date.

Reigate Priory

Observation by D W Williams of the digging of floodlight cable trenches south of the standing buildings revealed a number of general levels: featureless brown sandy loam below possibly 16th/l7th century layers below a possible 18th century courtyard surface, itself below a spread of late 19th century stone and brick rubble. At three points adjacent to the sunken garden were observed the substantial footings of stone walls bonded with yellow mortar.

14 London Road, Reigate

Excavation by D W Williams of the surviving north-east corner of a 17th century building reconstructed in the 18th century. A section had been recorded in 1989; it had been discovered when a substantial part of the remains were removed for use as backfill for sand caverns. There was no evidence for earlier occupation along this part of London Road. Finds included part of a 16th century mullion and transom window, possibly from the Priory, and a complete late l7th century wine bottle, still corked and half full. (275)


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