Surrey Archaeological Society

Cocks Farm, Abinger

Research excavation by S Dyer for SyAS of part of the Roman villa partially excavated in the 1870s. A total of five rooms were revealed, two of which were excavated to floor level. In one of these rooms the floor was found to be constructed of chalk mixed with crushed tile, the other was found to have a partially damaged mosaic, stylistically dating to the 4th century. Very little evidence was found to date the abandonment of the villa, although a layer of charcoal and ash, mixed with roofing tile, suggests that the building was eventually destroyed by fire. (296)

Wanborough Barn, Wanborough

Report by D J Turner on the re-appraisal of the barn by Dave Stenning. The barn, which is mid-late 14th century in date, contains three re-used posts, a tiebeam and remnants of aisle-ties from a 13th century barn (as well as two octagonal posts from a 13th century domestic aisled hall). The earlier barn would have been larger than the present one, comparable in size to the Cressing Barley Barn. (294)

Rumbeams Farm, Ewhurst

Report by J English of SyAS on a curved boundary bank and ditch around the farm, which encloses an area of around 64 acres. This may represent an original virgated holding, formed as settlement expanded into the Weald in the medieval period. Such holdings often appear to be formed of multiples of 30 acres in Surrey. (304)

46 Downing Street, Farnham

A watching brief by K D Graham of SyAS on the works for a rear extension revealed no features or finds of archaeological interest apart from a carved stone block with the initials of James Newland Baker who was responsible for constructing the walls in the 19th century.

For more information please view the attached report


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