Surrey Archaeological Society

4 St Mary’s Cottages, The Street, Frensham

Watching brief by D Graham of SyAS revealed no evidence for medieval or other occupation in the vicinity, although it is worth noting that medieval pottery has been recovered from fields immediately to the east of the village. This presumably means there was a settlement close to the church, albeit there was no evidence for it at 3 or 4 St Mary’s Cottages. However, it is still possible that the evidence for any previous street front developments could have been completely removed when the existing cottages were terraced into the slope in the 19th century.


Excavation and test pitting by R Hooker of SyAS, following on from two previous seasons (SyAC 101, 219), confirmed the existence of a series of ditches and further revealed their extent. Three parallel ditches oriented approximately north-east/south-west, two of which are in excess of 40m long, may form the southern boundary of an enclosure, a theory supported by the discovery of a north–south oriented ditch to their west and an apparent lack of any archaeological features to its west.

16 The Park, Great Bookham

A fourth season of excavation by L Spencer of SyAS on the probable site of the medieval Bookham Courte revealed a section of cobbled surface under a highly compacted layer of chalk and flint. Its location and the pottery assemblage recovered from the layer suggest that it may be part of the ‘Great Yarde’ referred to in a 1616 description of Bookham Courte. A short continuation of a line of large chalk blocks, first recorded to the west in 2015 (SyAC 100, 282), was seen to extend east beyond the limit of excavation. The structure, if it was such, would have had little structural strength.

Cocks Farm villa, Abinger

Further excavation by the Roman Studies Group of SyAS, directed by E Corke and D Bird to the north-east of the Scheduled Roman villa, recorded considerable quantities of unstratified Mesolithic and Neolithic struck flint from across the site. A possible Bronze Age barrow ditch and two adjacent pits, again of probable Bronze Age date and thought to represent inhumations where no bone has survived, were also revealed. Iron Age features in the form of a curvilinear enclosure ditch and a number of pits were recorded.

Town centre, Farnham

Community test pitting in 2016 and 2017, directed by A Sassin and D Graham of SyAS. A total of fourteen 1m2 test pits excavated at Farnham Park, 5 Castle Street, the Windsor Almshouses, St Andrew’s Rectory on Upper Church Lane, the Old Vicarage and Coxbridge Farm revealed post-medieval and modern disturbance at the majority of the locations. Post-18th century finds were recovered from all locations but probable 12th–13th century contexts were recorded at the three sites within the known medieval town core (St Andrew’s Rectory, the Windsor Almshouses and 5 Castle Street).

Green Lane East, Wanborough

Geophysical survey and evaluation led by D Graham of SyAS. Magnetometry revealed an 8m-wide, north--south oriented, straight, double-ditched linear anomaly, various other anomalies and signs of ridge-and-furrow ploughing. A trench across one of the flanking ditches and extending across half the width of the linear anomaly revealed a raised trackway or ‘agger’, although there was no sign of metalling having been present. Probable Late Iron Age/early Roman pottery recovered from the ditch may date the feature but could be residual.


Excavation and test pitting by R Hooker of SyAS to test anomalies from a previous magnetometry survey (SyAC 99, 227) revealed a large area of in-situ burning, possibly the base of a post-medieval charcoal burning clamp and a ditch of possible Late Iron Age/Early Romano-British date on a similar east–west alignment to that of a ditch revealed in 2014. (457)


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