Surrey Archaeological Society

Frensham Common, Frensham

Evaluation by D Graham of SyAS, to investigate a potential barrow site, newly recognized following heather clearance in the area. On-site results were inconclusive, although the feature did appear to be man-made in origin. Environmental samples are still undergoing analysis.

Farnham Park

Following on from work in 2002, a further area of the park was subject to a metal detector survey directed by D Graham of SyAS. A further scatter of shot, probably of Civil War date and of various types, was recovered and once again there were concentrations of finds in particular places.

Hascombe hillfort

Earthwork survey and magnetometry survey by R Hooker and J English of SyAS. The earthwork survey recorded the current condition of the monument, as well as cataloguing later landscape features, part of the remains of Hascombe medieval deer park pale, and evidence for recent damage to the site through falling trees. A number of slight linear features were discernible from the magnetometry survey, but little other convincing evidence of human occupation within the interior of the fort was discovered.

Fox Yard, Farnham

Watching brief by D and A Graham of SyAS revealed a late 19th century drainage access chamber, but no finds or features of an earlier date were discovered. This correlates with cartographic sources that suggest the area was undeveloped until the establishment of a nursery on the site in the mid--late 19th century.

Hambledon church, Hambledon

Watching brief by A Monk of SyAS (undertaken in 2006 and since reported) during church extension and alteration works. Fragmentary evidence for the earlier medieval church was noted, although this was not extensive, and the rebuilding works of 1840–6 appear to have largely removed or buried the medieval building

16 The Borough, Farnham

Watching brief by D Graham of SyAS during refurbishment works. The site falls immediately inside the projected course of the medieval town ditch, with groundworks proposed in the area that may once have been the location for the postulated associated internal bank. No finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.

Farnham Castle, Farnham

Watching brief and resistivity survey by D Graham of SyAS during topsoil removal to create additional car parking spaces. The site lies outside the area of the former (now filled in) inner bailey ditch, and no features were detected. A number of finds were recovered during the topsoil removal, however, including a number of musket and pistol balls, and three powder caps from gunpowder flasks. An incursion of parliamentary forces into the castle courtyard occurred on 26 November 1642, with the royalist garrison surrendering as a result.


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