Surrey Archaeological Society

General: Abinger-Holmbury

Report by D J Field and K Winser of fieldwalking project on a transect 1km by 10km set across the geological grain. Nearly 200ha of woodland were walked; particularly noted were a large number of quarries on the Hythe Beds. It is suggested that some could be early, perhaps RB. Systematic walking of nearly 100ha of ploughed land produced an estimated 25,000 pieces of flint coming from throughout the area. (230) Pottery suggesting a RB occupation site was discovered in the Abinger area; only sandstone blocks and a few sherds were found on the known villa site.

Skemp Pond, Farley Heath

Large pieces of greensand and some 20 pieces of RB tile found in root plate of fallen tree and recorded by Judie English. It is suggested that the pond is related to medieval enclosures and the tile and greensand represents paving to protect its edges from erosion. (231)

Farley Heath

Survey of medieval field systems carried out by Judie English. A bank was sectioned for environmental analysis; it had a small ditch under it apparently too large to be merely for marking out. No clear evidence for early land surfaces survived. Continuing damage by treasure hunters to the RB temple site was noted.

A3 Hog's Back to B3000

Report by K D Graham of fieldwork on the A3 improvement scheme. Little material was recovered, even near the known RB villa at Compton. A handful of RB tile was found at the southern end of this part of the road scheme, and a few struck flint flakes and sherds of medieval pottery were also recovered generally along the route. (229)

Farnham Castle

Report by K D Graham that a repositioned, probably 16th century, stone fireplace was located in a repair work. It was built into the inner face of the outer bailey wall south of the chapel in a section which seems to be a repair, perhaps of Civil War period damage.(257)


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